Consolidate Software GmbH & Co KG
Millennium Park 6 6890 Lustenau / Austria E-Mail:
UID-Nr: ATU41301701 Company register number: 151 428 P Regional court Feldkirch, Vorarlberg
Telephone general: +43 5577 24 450 0 Telephone Kassa24: +43 5577 24 450 51
Current exchange rate Euro / CHF : 1,00
General terms and conditions in current version:AGB
Contact person for media inquiries:
Christian Bickel, Managing Director Email:
Programming: SOLUTIX Marjan Ratkovic Email: Web:
Texts: Veronika Mennel Email: Web:
Despite careful control of the content, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. The contents of our website are researched with the utmost care. Nevertheless, the provider cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided. The use is exclusively at your own risk.
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Before claiming any kind in copyright, competition or trademark matters, unsolicited mailings/advertising, we ask to contact us immediately to avoid unnecessary litigation, warnings and the resulting costs. We hereby promise to remedy the situation so that any risk of repetition is excluded. Nevertheless, we would reject a cost note of a lawyer's warning without previous establishment of contact because of non-observance of the damage reduction obligation.
The present contents of the Consolidate Software GmbH & Co KG website are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. With the exception of the downloads offered for use in the original version, the use of the texts and illustrations, even in part, without prior written consent violates the provisions of copyright law and is therefore illegal. This applies in particular to all exploitation rights such as reproduction, translation or use in electronic systems. Registered trademarks, trade names, utility models and logos are used on our website. Even if these are not marked as such at the respective places, the corresponding legal regulations apply.